Postomino Solar Park
Postomino Solar Park in northern Poland is a great example of areas used to produce renewable energy can also support local nature. Wasps, beetles and butterflies live in the solar park along with several hundreds other species.

Solar park facts
expected annual output
total project area
equal to electricity consumption
Impacting local fauna and biodiversity
Postomino Solar Park is located in the northern part of Poland. The solar park delivers more than green energy. It also offers a home to quite a few bugs and beetles. Increasing biodiversity and preserving micro habitats can have substantial impact on local fauna. We appreciate all the little neighbours contributing to support nature and biodiversity in the area.
Home to hundreds of species
We undertook a post-construction nature inventory of Postomino to determine the site's true impact on wildlife. The inventory identified 225 species. Among them were multiple species of wasps, beetles, mushrooms, butterflies, arachnids, and amphibians. This includes several rare and protected species. The number of birds have increased as well as they feed from the variety of insects and appearance of seeds in the area.